Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals.
These modifications cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
80% of all commercially available food has GMOs especially foods that contain corn or soy
Currently, the following crops are considered at high risk for containing GMOs:
Alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, papaya, soy, sugar beets, zucchini and yellow squash

Genetic Modification (GM) is dangerous and radical technology. Supporters of genetic modification say that the technology is simply an extension of traditional plant breeding. The reality is that genetic engineering is radically different(1). Traditional plant breeders work with plants of the same or related species to create new plant varieties.
Genetic engineers break down nature’s genetic barriers by allowing transfers of genes from bacteria, viruses, and even animals—with unforeseen consequences. Scientists have no idea where the genes go. This can disrupt the functioning of other genes and create novel proteins that have never been in the food supply and could create toxins and allergens in foods
Pro-GMO corporations spread mis-information:
They put out misinformation about how “It’s OK” saying GMO plants are “feeding the world populations” (e.g., more rice per plant). This isn’t true, especially when rain is scarce.
Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide itself. (2)
Can Organic Food contain GMOs?
“Fully organic” can NOT contain GMOs. But, there are levels of organic:
OG1 → 100% organic = no GMOs
OG2 → Certified Organic / USDA Organic = typically 95% GMO free
OG3 → “Made with Organic” = 70% GMO free. Can have GMOs in 30%
Best to look for the “Non-GMO Project” label
YES Product Labeling
91% of people want to know if food has GMOs.
Even Consumer Reports has joined the fight to get products labeled
See their interview on CBS News
Currently brands are not required to “label” GMO ingredients.
Many states are lobbying to get STATE regulation to require GMO Labeling. (See ** below)
The wealthy Biotech Industry is fighting against labeling and claiming that GMOs are perfectly safe. They are getting funding through some large companies, like Nestle, Coca-Cola, etc. (see posters on state initiatives at the bottom of this page)
Steps We’re Taking at TSM
We strive to have no GMO food in our store:
We check ingredient lists and call companies on products that are not labeled “No-GMOs”
We remove the product if the company cannot ensure their ingredients are non-GMOs
We remove products from “affiliates” of large corporations who are anti-labeling (ex: Honest Tea – owned by Coca-Cola) and replace them with brands that support GMO labeling.
We share this consumer education information about “No GMO” and “YES Product Labeling” on our website and on our Facebook page.
Inform Yourself
Here are several ways to get more information:
Read more about why we should eat organic
Watch the movie "Genetic Roulette: Gamble of our Lives"
Download "buycott" app (for iPhone) to scan products that meet your campaign criteria.
Say “No to GMO” at has several informative videos and fact sheets that show that genetically engineering food is a form of corporate terrorism
The Organic Consumer Association has a link to a full report with tons of facts about GMOs:
GMO-Free USA at has campaigns to influence specific corporations who use GMOs
The Safe Food Foundation at supports many groups who are fighting for GMO banning and helping to win legal battles against GMO crop contamination.
** The Center for Food Safety has a list of the various legislation or ballot initiatives that have been introduced and their status:
** If you would like to catch up with the latest in a particular state, you can find links to specific states via GMO Acting Allience website -
Non-GMO Project at which offers North America’s ONLY third party verification for products produced according to rigorous best practices to avoid GMO. They certify products as Non GMO and give their stamp that we can look for on products (see picture above).
See website of Cornucopia Institute for more information on GMO information and state labeling initiatives (including posters, like the one below.)
consumer-reports-for-false-no-gmo-labels/See how some companies are not trustworthy:
Colorado #92 and Oregon #105